AI Create Quiz

Create quizzes with the help of AI. You can generate AI-based quizzes based on Markdown and PDF course materials.

Generating AI Quizzes

  1. Click the 'AI Quiz Generation Button' in the course list.

  2. In the 'Select Practice Course Material' section, select the course material required for quiz generation.

  3. Select the difficulty level.

  4. Select the answer type. You can choose from single-choice, multiple-choice, and open-ended.

  5. Enter the requirements. Refer to the examples below:

    1. Example 1 - When generating a quiz based on PDF course material - Use only the first page of the PDF file.

    2. Example 2 - Generate the quiz in English.

  6. Click the 'Generate' button.

  7. After the quiz generation is complete, you can modify the answer type and question answers.

  8. Click the 'Create as Course Material' button to finish.

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