STDIO Grading based on standard input and output

You can write a grading code based on standard input/output for simple grading. The code will be automatically generated.

Input/output grading is a method of grading whether a specific value is output for a given input.

  1. Click on the pencil-shaped edit icon in the left navigation bar.

  2. Click on the "Write Execution/Grading File" tab on the top of the practice modification page.

  3. Click on the "Create STDIO Grading Code" button at the bottom.

  4. Press the '+' button to set the test case, execution time limit, and score according to the desired input/output grading method.

  5. Click on "Write Grading Message" below to write the message to be displayed when the answer is correct/incorrect.

  6. Click the "Save" button on the bottom right.

  • STDOUT output is the same: Grade as correct if the output value of the student's code is exactly the same as the set string.

  • STDOUT output includes a string: Grade as correct if the output value of the student's code includes the set string.

  • STDOUT output does not include a string: Grade as correct if the output value of the student's code does not include the set string.

  • STDOUT output matches a regular expression: Grade as correct if the output value of the student's code matches the set regular expression.

  • STDOUT output does not match a regular expression: Grade as correct if the output value of the student's code does not match the set regular expression.

If a grading code already exists, it will be overwritten by the input/output grading code.

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