Runtime Management

Creating a Runtime

Runtime: A container-based environment for programming execution. In Elice, it refers to the software specifications applied when creating a machine learning practice environment. It consists of vCPU/memory presets, disk (GB), and GPU.

Institutions administrators can create the desired runtime resource specifications through the Elice operations team.

Runtime Management and Subject Connection

  • In the Institution Management > Runtime tab, you can view the list of runtime resources created through the Elice operations team.

  • Institution administrators can enter each runtime's detailed page and connect it to the subjects that can use that runtime.

When creating a Runbox, default runtime resources are available. However, creating a high-performance practice environment (e.g., AI model training) requires advanced runtime specifications. In this case, administrators can allocate the assigned runtime resources to the subjects by connecting them.

Modifying or deleting a runtime must be done through the Elice operations team.

When modifying a runtime, the disk (GB) capacity value cannot be decreased below the initial specification.

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