Lecture Enrollment

Learn how to access and take classes within a course after completing the pass/subject enrollment process.

Taking Classes

  • In this section, we will guide you on how to navigate to the class list within a course after completing the pass/subject enrollment.

  • If you have not completed the pass/subject enrollment process yet, please refer to the 'How to Enroll in a Subject' guide.

  1. Click on the pass/subject card that you wish to take.

    1. If you click on a pass card, you will be able to see the list of subjects within that pass. Click on the subject you wish to take to access the detailed page.

    2. If you click on a subject card, you will be able to access the subject's detailed page.

  2. After accessing the subject's detailed page, click on the 'Class List' tab in the left menu.

  3. You can take all the classes listed in the class list.

The process of accessing classes is divided into two types, and this setting is specified for each subject.

*Free-choice type: You can take classes freely without following a specific order.

*Progress completion type: You must complete classes in sequential order to be able to take the next class. (Tip: In the class list of subjects with the 'Progress completion type' setting, classes that cannot be taken will be marked with a 'lock icon'. Try completing classes one by one to unlock them!)

  1. After logging in, click on the 'My Learning' menu at the top.

  2. Click on the pass/subject card that you wish to take.

    1. If you click on a pass card, you will be able to see the list of subjects included in that pass. Click on the subject you wish to take to navigate to the detailed page.

    2. If you click on a subject card, you will be able to navigate to the subject's detailed page.

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