SSH Connect

You can access the Elice Cloud NPU/GPU on-demand service through SSH.

Using the Built-in SSH Client in the OS

On the My Instances page, select the instance you want to connect to and click on Use Another SSH Client from the menu.

If you haven't received a private key, you can obtain one from the Private Key Management page.

To connect using a terminal-based SSH client, enter the provided command in your terminal.

If the private key is correct, you will be automatically connected to the terminal without going through the login process.

If Connection Errors Occur

bad permissions error

If you encounter a bad permissions error as shown below, you need to adjust the permissions of the downloaded private key.

You can adjust the permissions for the private key using the following command. After executing the command, reconnect.

chmod 600 elice-cloud-ondemand-{...}.pem

Last updated