For the simplest BentoML model package, it has the following structure.
In the BentoML deployment environment, Python 3.10 is used based on buildpack-deps:jammy (Ubuntu 22.04). The extracted model will be located in /user/model
You can install packages using apt-get, the Linux package manager. The packages to be installed can be written line by line in packages.txt.
The packages in packages.txt will be installed on the system using the following command.
The environment preparation script only installs the pip packages specified in requirements.txt. bentoml must be included in requirements.txt.
To list all the packages currently installed in the environment, you can use the following command.
In the execution container, BentoML is run using the following command. You can use the same command in the local environment to verify the execution.
For more information on BentoML-based model development, please refer to the BentoML docs.
Last updated