Generate Integration Token

This document explains how to generate tokens required for integration.

Token Information

The following information must be provided to Elice for integration:

  • User Identifier (uid): This is a value required to uniquely identify a specific user.

    • You can use a unique string (such as user ID, username, or email) used for login in your LMS.

    • If you want to allow course registration to be done in Elice according to the enrollment period in your LMS, you can include the period information in the uid. If the uid value remains the same, it will function as modifying existing course registrations in Elice. Therefore, if you want to allow new course registrations according to the enrollment period, you need to change the uid value. For example, if the username of a user in your LMS is test1, you can set the uid differently as test1_20200801 and test1_20200901 to handle them as separate integration accounts in Elice.

  • User Full Name (fullname): This is a value required to display the user's name in Elice.

  • Email Address (email): This is a value required to use various email integration-based services in Elice.

    • If the email does not exist, you can use an empty string, but there may be restrictions on using some services.

  • Token Creation Time (ts): This is the time when the token was created. It uses the epoch time in milliseconds. If the creation time and usage time of the token differ by more than 300 seconds to prevent reuse of the token, the integration will be rejected.

Additionally, you can optionally provide the following information:

  • Course ID (courseId): This is the ID of the course that will be automatically enrolled in Elice. This ID is based on the course ID on the Elice side.

    • You can use the course ID used in your LMS through customization, but this requires a separate integration development process. Each time you create or connect a new course, you need to perform integration work by mapping the course ID in your LMS with the course ID on the Elice side through prior consultation.

  • User Role (userRole): This is the value required to grant user permissions.

    • Student: 0 / Educator: 10 / Administrator: 20

    • If not specified, student permissions will be granted.

    • Educator and administrator permissions are valid when the integration type is "Home Integration."

Token Generation Methods

Tokens can be generated by using one of the following encryption and serialization methods for the JSON-serialized token information. In terms of convenience in integration development, the JWT method, which is a web standard, is recommended. If you want additional security (confidentiality), you can use the AES-CBC method.

JWT Generate Tokens using a Tokenization MethodAES-CBC Generate Tokens using a Tokenization MethodSeparate self-encryption

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